In Hinduism, Aranyani is a goddess of the forests and the animals that dwell within them. Aranyani has the distinction of having one of the most descriptive hymns in the Rigveda dedicated to her, in which she is described as being elusive, fond of quiet glades in the jungle, and fearless of remote places. In the hymn, the supplicant entreats her to explain how she wanders so far from the fringe of civilization without becoming afraid or lonely. She wears anklets with bells, and though seldom seen, she can be heard by the tinkling of her anklets. She is also described as a dancer. Her ability to feed both man and animals though she 'tills no lands' is what the supplicant finds most marvellous. Her worship has declined in modern-day Hinduism, and it is rare to find a temple dedicated to Aranyani.
This mala necklace is part of our Earth Collection. This traditional Tibetan mala has 108 beads, plus 3 marker beads (not to be counted in meditation), and a guru bead and silk tassel. This particular mala is comprised of Aromatic Sandalwood, with African Turquoise marker beads and Azurite-Malachite guru bead.
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